Duke students volunteer to pack meals for Stop Hunger Now

Hurricane Helene Relief: How You Can Help

Hurricane Helene claimed more than 100 lives in the U.S. and flooded countless homes in western North Carolina and across the southeast.

Duke is providing opportunities for our community to contribute to the relief effort, both through Duke and via partnerships with organizations involved in recovery work. More initiatives will be added to this page as they are established. If you have an addition, please submit it here.

— Duke’s Doing Good Employee Giving Campaign has activated an Emergency Relief option for this year’s campaign through December 31. All Doing Good funds go directly to the community causes employees select for their gifts. Through a longstanding partnership with the United Way of the Triangle, emergency relief funds will help rebuild communities affected by the storm.

Jewish Life at Duke

Volunteer Overnight Service Trip to Western North Carolina – Hurricane Helene Disaster Response Efforts with Jewish Life at Duke

Sunday & Monday, February 23 & 24, 2025
Apply by February 3

— Current Duke students are invited to join Jewish Life at Duke for a transformative overnight trip in Western North Carolina to support the ongoing recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene. In partnership with “Nechama: Jewish Response to Disaster,” we will work on both immediate response and long-term recovery efforts, helping to rebuild Western North Carolina in a sustainable way. Rooted in Jewish values, our service trip will include: hands-on recovery work; reflection sessions; and the opportunity to build deep connections with fellow students. Open to current Duke students (undergraduate or graduate/professional) of any religious/cultural background. Want to join us to make a meaningful impact on our neighboring communities? Learn more and apply here.

Duke Divinity

— Duke Divinity School is partnering with the Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church to coordinate volunteers and support other relief efforts. Find more information: https://divinity.duke.edu/wnc-relief

Duke Health

— Duke Eye Center has begun a supply drive running through Thursday 10/17.  

  • non-perishable food/MREs
  • bottled water
  • contractor-size trash bags
  • blankets
  • first aid supplies
  • feminine hygiene products
  • personal hygiene products
  • (toothbrushes/toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc.)
  • diapers, wipes
  • baby formula, bottles
  • baby clothes
  • hand sanitizer
  • toilet paper
  • paper towels
  • bleach and cleaning supplies
  • pet care items (food, collars, leashes)
  • shovels
  • brooms
  • work gloves
  • socks
  • coolers
  • flashlights
  • batteries
  • battery powered fans

Collection Site: AERI Auditorium at the main eye center 2351 Erwin Rd.   

8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays starting today, Tuesday, October 8 through Thursday, Oct. 17.

Contact Tori Hall with questions.

— The State Medical Assistance Team responds to disasters across North Carolina and is in need of volunteer RNs, NAs, paramedics, RTs, APPs, physicians and non-clinical staff. If you are interested in volunteering, please discuss with your supervisor and complete the volunteer signup form.

Volunteers may be deployed to the state shelter in Shelby or to one of three Duke Lifepoint hospitals in the area. The usual deployment period is seven days, but volunteers will be accepted regardless of how long they are available. Volunteers will likely be in shared accommodations with limited showering facilities. 

— The Duke Fertility Clinic is collecting items in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce in McDowell County, which was hit hard by the storm. Items needed include fuel and fuel tanks, non-perishable food including Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), and baby formula.

— Diana Cardona, MD, MBA, is coordinating a donation drive to support those impacted by the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene.
She has placed a box outside her office (327A) in Duke South (Davison building, third floor) for donations.
Please consider donating any of the following items:

  • Gallons/bottles of water or sports drinks
  • Non-perishable food (pop-top cans, shelf-stable items, protein powders, etc.)
  • First aid supplies
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrushes/paste, deodorant, shampoo, etc.)
  • Baby items
  • Cleaning supplies

Delivery to the areas in need in North Carolina will be coordinated periodically with local organizations and area shelters, with the next areas of focus being Chimney Rock and Banner Elk, N.C. Thanks to June Bumgarner with Duke Transfusion Service, and her husband, Joe Bumgarner of the Caldwell County Fire Department, for helping coordinate delivery efforts.

If you would like to donate money, please email Diana Cardona or consider donating through Duke Health.

— Duke Health is also supporting fundraising efforts through the American Red Cross.

Duke Athletics

— Duke Athletics is partnering with Two Men and a Truck to collect relief supplies. Two Men and a Truck will collect items directly on Morton Plaza for the Florida State football game on Friday, Oct. 18.

Items needed include non-perishable food, bottled water, contractor-size trash bags, blankets, first aid supplies, feminine hygiene products, diapers and baby clothes, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, bleach, shovels, brooms, gloves, coolers, flashlights, batteries and fans.

— Anyone unable donate in person who would like to contribute items can order from this Duke Athletics relief drive link at Amazon. When checking out, select Duke Athletics Ticket Office Hurricane Relief as your shipping destination. 

Other ways to help

— The Independent College Fund of North Carolina is accepting donations to support students, staff and campuses at the seven independent nonprofit colleges in western North Carolina that were damaged and disrupted by the storm.

Relief for Natural Disasters in Northern Africa

Two devastating natural disasters struck countries in Northern Africa in the past week.

On September 8th, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco. Being an unusually powerful earthquake for the region, many structures were not built to withstand this force resulting in an exceptionally devastating disaster. Below are a few organizations operating relief efforts in the affected area that you can support:

On September 10th, a severe storm hit the northeastern region of Libya causing extreme flash flooding and widespread damage and loss of life along the coast.

Getting aid into Libya may be challenging at this time, but Charity Navigator has collected a list of organizations currently operating in Libya working to support relief and recovery efforts in the region.

Run for Turkish Earthquake Relief

UPDATE February 21, 2023:

This program is no longer collecting donations, but it should be noted that student led initiatives have raised nearly $14,000.
More donation opportunities can be found in this article at time.com.


February 14, 2023:  Duke men’s basketball sophomore Stanley Borden, a native of Istanbul, Turkey, is coordinating a 7.8-kilometer run on Duke’s East Campus on Wednesday to help raise funds for earthquake relief in Turkey and Syria.

Borden, whose family still resides in Istanbul but were unaffected directly by the quakes, is organizing the effort along with fellow Blue Devils from the Turkish and Syrian communities. The 7.8-km run is to signify the 7.8-magnitude of one of the earthquakes that devastated the region.

To participate in the run, sign up in advance: Duke Community Registration | Durham Community Registration (non-Duke students/staff/faculty). Proceeds will go to AKUT Search and Rescue Association.

The run begins at Baldwin Auditorium on Duke’s East Campus at 3 p.m., with a celebration for runners and the Duke Community at 5 p.m.


Relief Efforts for Turkey/Syria

On Monday, Feb. 6, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria. Several aftershocks have occurred, including a 7.5 earthquake. More than 12,000 people have died in Turkey and Syria and thousands more have been injured.

Duke students have organized a vigil that will occur on the Chapel Quad at 5:30 on Thursday, February 9th.

Additionally, professor Kathryn Morgan, whose work is featured in Duke Today,  is helping to organize an event in Chapel Hill this weekend to highlight the importance of the region and its need for help right now.

The free, public event will be at 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12, at the Sancar Turkish Cultural and Community Center on East Franklin St. in Chapel Hill.

Among the speakers will be Robert Pearson, a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey.


Below are a few organizations carrying out search and rescue operations, and mobilizing a response.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency


The International Red Cross and Red Crescent

Save the Children

Doctors Without Borders

More Relief Agencies (PDF)

In addition, the money collected from the offering during the Sunday, February 12 Duke Chapel worship service will go to a community partner, United Methodist Committee On Relief, that is processing a grant for the International Blue Crescent in Turkey, which has issued an appeal for emergency supplies such as tents, heaters, blankets, warm clothes, food and first aid.



Relief Efforts for Hurricane Ian

Hurricane Ian has severely impacted parts of Florida leaving behind devastation and destruction. Below are suggestions on how to support those affected by Hurricane Ian:  

Collaboratory, formerly known as Southwest Florida Community Foundation, along with the United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades have created the “SWFL Emergency Relief Fund” to support SWFL nonprofits helping people affected by Hurricane Ian.

Feeding Tampa Bay, part of the national Feeding America network, is providing  Disaster Relief packages that include food, water, and hygiene products to those affected by Hurricane Ian. Learn more here

The American Red Cross has set up a donation page to support victims of Hurricane Ian.

World Central Kitchen, a humanitarian global relief organization, is providing fresh meals in Florida. Learn more how to support their efforts here.

Team Rubicon is a veteran-led humanitarian organization that serves global communities before, during, and after disasters and crises. They provide route clearance and emergency relief after a major hurricane makes landfall. Donate here

Support for Ukraine

United Help Ukraine: This organization provides medical aid to those Ukrainians injured in the war; runs clothing drives to send to those who have lost loved ones in the war; and raises funds for wounded warriors and the families of wounded and killed warriors.  Info: unitedhelpukraine.org

Razom for Ukraine:  “Razom” means together in Ukrainian, and the organization bearing this name supports many important projects – perhaps foremost, buying and delivering tactical medicine items, hospital supplies, and tech-enabled emergency response supplies to the people in war-torn Ukraine. Check out their website for information about their educational scholarships and job training for veterans, support for neurosurgery training, and toy drives for children. Inforazomforukraine.org

Alight: Alight has a rapid response team in Poland helping Ukrainians headed there. “If Ukrainian families can’t go home, Alight will help them to find peace and safety wherever they shelter,” Alight CEO Jocelyn Wyatt said via a press release. “We’re listening to what they need right now, and we’re working to make sure they have all the essentials.” Infowearealight.org

Baptists on Mission: The NC-based group has long worked with Ukrainian groups, including in the Carpathian region since 2008 with the Roma Partnership. The groups are providing temporary housing for displaced families and food and supplies to families in Ukraine. Baptists on Mission is accepting monetary donations so that they can supply non-perishable food, toiletries, sleeping bags, mattresses, blankets and other essential needs for temporary housing. Give online at baptistsonmission.org/ukraine-crisis/donations or by check: Baptists on Mission, P. O. Box 1107, Cary, NC 27512. Memo: Ukraine Crisis

CARE: CARE is working with People In Need as their local European partner. “Give now to rush urgently needed water, food, hygiene kits, and ongoing support in Ukraine,” the website says. Info: care.org and peopleinneed.net

Doctors Without Borders: “Access to health care remains limited for people living along the contact line of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014,” the website says. Doctors Without Borders provides physical care, focusing on HIV and COVID treatment and prevention, and basic mental health care is offered to patients, too. Info: doctorswithoutborders.org

Nova Ukraine: This is a nonprofit organization “dedicated to raising awareness about Ukraine in the US and throughout the world and providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine,” the website says. Along with monetary donations, this organization is also asking for people to volunteer their time with projects like creating infographics and fundraisers. Info: novaukraine.org

The Ukrainian Red Cross: “All funds will be used to help those in need, affected by armed conflict, blood collection, mobilization of volunteers and resources, and emergency activities,” the website says. Info: redcross.org.ua/en/donate

UNICEF: “UNICEF is deeply concerned that intensifying hostilities in Ukraine pose an immediate threat to the lives and wellbeing of the country’s 7.5 million children,” Executive Director Catherine M. Russell said through a spokesperson. UNICEF is working with partners to reach vulnerable children and families with essential services – including health, education, protection, water and sanitation – as well as life-saving supplies. Info: unicefusa.org/helpukraine

UNHCR: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is also known as the UN Refugee Agency. “You can help ensure that families fleeing violence around the world know they are not alone at the most devastating moment of their lives,” the website says. Info: give.unrefugees.org

Relief After Boulder County Wildfires

In the last days of 2021, the most destructive wildfire in Colorado history swept through the Boulder area. Called the Marshall fire, damage estimates stand at over $500 million. It destroyed upwards of 1,000 houses, including the home of two Duke Physician Assistant Program alumni

According to Denver news sources relief efforts are being spearheaded by the following organizations:

Colorado Responds

Jewish Colorado

Community Foundation Boulder County

Visit Denver7 News and 9News Denver for other ways to help.

Relief for Midwest after Tornadoes

This past weekend, tornadoes devastated communities in Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. Individuals and organizations are working to meet the immediate needs in communities across multiple states. One way to support the response and recovery is by contributing to the efforts of relief organizations.

Here are just a few of the organizations mobilizing a response:  

Feeding America, Kentucky’s Heartland is raising funds to help provide people with ready to eat meals.

CARE is collecting money to provide food, cash and clean water to the tornado victims.

The United Way of Kentucky is asking for donations to provide support services for families in the state who were affected by the tornadoes.

Ways to Help

As the Duke community comes together for the start of the academic year, we want to offer possibilities for how we can contribute to relief and recovery efforts in communities around the globe devastated by natural and human-made disasters.

For those seeking ways to respond to these humanitarian crises, we have compiled this list of organizations who are mobilizing responses:

Afghan Refugee Relief:

U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants: Supports individuals and families who are recovering from crisis including forced or voluntary migration.

Church World Services: Provides resettlement assistance to refugees through a national network and support for housing, legal assistance, medical care, school enrollment and community sponsorship.

International Rescue Committee: Works in Afghanistan across three decades of crisis to provide millions of people with shelter, education, clean water, health support and other aid.

Learn more about Duke’s efforts to assist in refugee resettlement.

Hurricane Ida Relief:

Red Cross: Mobilizes trained disaster workers and supplies for those impacted by Hurricane Ida.

Second Harvest Food Bank: Prepares food boxes and water for those in need.

United Way of Southeast Louisianacollects donations for a relief fund to rebuild and provide long-term assistance, including community grants.

Haiti Earthquake Relief:

International Red Cross: Works with partners in Haiti and the Dominican Republic to support the Haitian Red Cross in securing food, supplies and physicians for affected regions.

Direct Relief: Supports relief and recovery efforts related to the Haiti Earthquake and has worked with Haitian communities since 2010 to support medical facilities and health care partners

UNICEF: Focuses on keeping children healthy and safe in the aftermath of the hurricane

California Wildfire Relief:

Red Cross: Provides food, shelter and relief supplies to people affected by fires.

California Association of Food Banks: Local food banks across California are provide meals to communities affected by wildfires.

California Community Foundation: The Foundation’s Wildfire Relief Fund supports relief and recovery efforts for communities affected by wildfires.

Relief for Texas

Last week’s devastating winter storm has left millions in Texas without heat or electricity while enduring extreme temperatures, wind, snow and ice. Federal, state and local governments are working together to respond to the immediate needs in communities across the state. One way to support the recovery is by contributing to the efforts of relief organizations.

These organizations are mobilizing a response:  

American Red Cross

Feeding Texas

Coalition for the Homeless

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